I take pride in my lawn but if I’m honest, going back and forth to the hardware store to buy soil and nutrients is a pain. I’ve had soil spilled in the back of my car more than a few times and I’m kind of over it.
My brother told me he swears by Sunday for his lawn. We have a little competition between the two of us as to who’s lawn looks better and I can’t lie, his looks pretty good.
Upon some investigation I learned that Sunday is a system of customized, lawn-care delivered right to your door. No more lugging fertilizer bags?
I was in.
But it got even better because Sunday offers a free soil test to test your soil and decide what nutrients they offer are best for your soil, climate, and grass. Sunday recommended their Lawn Strong nutrients for my type of soil and grass.
It arrived on my porch 3 days later.
Sunday makes it so easy. No more trips to the hardware store and I just use my hose to water my grass with the nutrients. Sunday even offers weed care so I was able to get some of that for my patio delivered right to my door.
After about a month of using Sunday my brother thinks our lawns look the same but I think mine looks a little better. I’m so happy he recommended Sunday to me — it’s so easy to use and the entire process is effortless and so convenient.
This is the greenest and healthiest my lawn has ever looked and you can’t beat Sunday’s delivery service. The solution to your best looking lawn isn’t at the hardware store, it’s delivered right to your door and it’s called Sunday.
Get your best looking lawn with Sunday, here!