Dealing With Acne? Proactiv Helped My Breakouts

I have struggled with acne on and off for the last five years. It’s a confidence killer and there is only so much makeup can cover. I have tried every acne cream, serum, and prescription on the market and as a girl with sensitive skin, these trials only made my skin worse and have never proved to be a long-term fix.

I came across an ad on Facebook for Proactiv — a 3 step system targeted towards eliminating pesky acne and reducing future breakouts. What really piqued my interest was Proactiv’s gentle system targeted towards sensitive, acne-prone skin types…this felt like a really good fit for my skin.

I decided to order it and hopeful was an understatement. 

The Proactiv Gentle System comes with a benzoyl peroxide wash, serum and salicylic acid hydrating moisturizer. I love that Proactiv offers a system of products because then I know these products work well together and I don’t have to worry about creating and routine and clashing ingredients. This made my transition to Proactiv’s system seamless.

Fast-forward I’m now 3 months into my Proactiv journey and this is the longest I have ever gone without a new breakout or new skin rash. My frustration has lifted and my whole mood feels brighter. Being on the other side of this, I never understood how greatly my acne affected me.

Proactiv has transformed my skin, my confidence and the way I feel about myself when I look in the mirror. I can go makeup free without the lingering feeling that people are staring at my acne. 

What’s even better is Proactiv is affordable and I can continue to keep their products in my routine. I’ve tried holy grail, $100 acne creams that did nothing and yet this entire system is a fraction of the price and has worked wonders. 

Proactiv’s gentle system has been such a gift for my skin! Coming from the girl who reached her lowest during her worst acne, trust me when I say try Proactiv. I’ve been in your shoes and I wish someone told me to try this sooner. 

Proactiv has a special offer for our readers, here! 

Try Proactiv

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